
Thank you for your interest in 波士顿大学 Academy!

Thank you for your interest in 波士顿大学 Academy. 我们现在不再接受2024-2025学年的申请.

如果您计划在2025年9月申请入学,并希望了解更多关于bbin娱乐平台的信息, 我们鼓励你 complete an online inquiry form below. 我们期待着在接下来的几个月里与您的家人见面,并欢迎您给我们发电子邮件 academyadmission@bu.edu 如果您对我们的学术课程或紧密的社区有任何疑问.



第1步 Notify the bbin娱乐平台 入学 Office of your interest

家庭 who wish to receive admission materials, 安排面试, attend upcoming events, 申请波士顿大学学院的学生应填写一份在线问询表. 

2 . - Schedule a Virtual Information Session or In-Person Tour

我们的2023-2024年入学周期现已结束,我们不再为有兴趣在2024年9月入学的家庭预订学校参观和面试. 如果您计划在未来几年申请bbin娱乐平台,我们鼓励您在夏季晚些时候查看此页面.

作为申请过程的一部分,我们要求所有未来的家庭参加一个 virtual Information Session OR 现场参观 9月27日至1月12日期间,由北航学生招生大使带领. 这两种选择都提供了更多了解我们的学习计划的机会, 紧密的社区, 和问&A with current students. 一旦你r family has registered for one of these sessions, 您将收到一封确认电子邮件,其中将包括一个链接,以安排您所需的Zoom面试与我们的团队, which should be booked for a time your information session or tour.

3 . - Schedule Your Zoom Interview

我们的2023-2024年入学周期现已结束,我们不再为有兴趣在2024年9月入学的家庭预订学校参观和面试. 如果您计划在未来几年申请bbin娱乐平台,我们鼓励您在夏季晚些时候查看此页面.

We require all prospective families to attend a virtual information session or 现场参观 prior to their interview. 一旦你r family has registered for one of these sessions, 您将收到一封确认电子邮件,其中将包括一个链接,以安排您所需的Zoom面试与我们的团队, which should be booked for a time your information session or tour. 所有申请2024年9月入学的学生都需要进行面试,面试时间从2023年10月中旬到2024年1月中旬.

Zoom面试将持续45-60分钟,面试官将与学生见面,然后期望与家长或监护人联系. 这些会议是我们了解申请人更多信息的机会,也是我们鼓励他们向我们提出任何关于作为bbin娱乐平台学生的问题的机会. Interviews are conducted by members of our admission team, which includes bbin娱乐平台 admission office staff, 老师, 和校友. 

4 . Create an account in Ravenna, bbin娱乐平台’s online application system

您的家人可以通过电子方式提交申请的各个组成部分,并通过拉文纳跟踪您的材料状态. 一旦你 在拉文纳注册, 你需要为申请人创建一个基本的个人资料,然后从学校目录中选择“波士顿大学学院”开始申请过程.

5 . - Complete the Preliminary Application through Ravenna

申请的这一部分包括个人信息、初始学生简介和不可退还的申请费(60美元国内), 100美元国际). 如果申请费对您的家庭造成困难,我们的办公室很乐意免除这笔费用. Your family is required to submit the Preliminary Application prior to an admission interview; all families who do so by 1月uary 1 will be guaranteed an interview. Preliminary Applications are only available online through Ravenna.

6 . - Register to take the necessary standardized test(s)

在2024-2025录取周期内,所有申请bbin娱乐平台的学生都需要SSAT成绩. 的 Secondary School 入学 Test (SSAT) can be booked online and test results must be sent directly from SSAT (our school code is 1761). 如果注册费用对您的家庭来说是困难的,可以根据要求减免费用. 

bbin娱乐平台 will be administering the SSAT test during the 10月ober, 11月, 12月, 及一月考试日期. You can select our test site through the SSAT website, if 我们是 a convenient location for your family.

申请11年级的学生应该计划提交PSAT, SAT或ACT成绩.

7 . - Submit all additional application materials by 1月uary 15

A complete application for admission includes these additional pieces:

Family-Provided Materials

    • 学生问卷调查
    • Graded School Essay (can be uploaded electronically)
    • 家长问卷调查

School-Provided Materials*

    • School Report/Recommendation
    • Current English Teacher Recommendation
    • Current Math Teacher Recommendation
    • Transcripts (current grades and reports from the previous two years)

*教师推荐请求是在拉文纳以电子方式发送的,因此您需要在您的学生所在学校指定合适的人来接收这些表格. 的 school will then submit these items directly to bbin娱乐平台.

[OPTIONAL] Video Submission

Although uploading a video is 不 a required component of our application, 我们强烈鼓励学生利用这个空间来帮助我们的招生委员会更好地了解他们. 学生们最常利用这个机会分享他们的课外兴趣和激情. Video submissions have often included music, dance, or athletic recordings. 也欢迎学生录制一段简短的视频,介绍自己,分享更多关于学术或课外兴趣的内容. Videos can be short and informal–we just want to get to know you!




Additional Materials Required of Homeschool Applicants

Detailed Transcript  (in lieu of the School Report): 注意学生在家接受教育的总年数以及他们的名字, 长度, 教材(s), 老师的名字, and an evaluation for each course the student has taken in the last three years; please also provide syllabi, 如果可能的话.

日程安排: 提供一个详细的学校一周的日程安排,包括与当地学校或社区的任何课外活动.

Teacher Recommendations: at least one recommendation must be written by a non-family member; additional recommendations from 老师 who have knowledge of the student’s academic ability are also welcome.




波士顿大学学院可以接受居住在美国以外的家庭的申请,并提供F1学生签证, it is important to clarify that 我们是 不 a boarding school and do 不 allow homestay agreements. 申请九、十、十一年级的国际学生必须符合以下条件:

1. Admissible candidate based on academic merit and character.

2. Evidence of English proficiency: bbin娱乐平台 requires a minimum total score of 100 on the TOEFL; TOEFL and SSAT scores should be submitted prior to scheduling an interview and an official score report needs to be received by 1月uary 31.

3. Written explanation of the student’s anticipated living arrangements: unless there is an extenuating circumstance, at least one parent must be planning to move to the Boston area with the student; as a reminder, 我们是  a boarding school nor do we provide or coordinate homestays.


大多数问题的答案 frequently-asked questions surrounding international applicants are here. 请在致电招生办公室之前通读本节,因为我们很可能会引导你回到这个页面.


Important 入学 日期s & 最后期限

日期 的最后期限
9月. 1 Online Application Opens and Visit Scheduling Begins
9月. 1. Financial Aid Application Opens
9月. 27 Virtual Information Sessions Begin
9月. 27 亲身参观开始
10月. 11 放大面试开始
1月. 1 Priority 的最后期限 for Preliminary Applications; guarantees an interview
1月. 15 的最后期限 for 入学 and Financial Aid Applications
3月. 10 入学 and Financial Aid Decisions Released
4月. 10 的最后期限 for Enrollment Decisions